Tips for dealing with your child's anxiety during this pandemic

Tips for Dealing with your Child’s Anxiety During this Pandemic
Tips for dealing with your child's anxiety during this pandemic

Fear, uncertainty, and being packed up will eventually slow down the spread of COVID-19. It can make things tough for families to stay calm in this pandemic. As a parent, you need to assist your children in their daily routines and help them to maintain a healthy routine. It is important to manage their behaviors and build proper resilience. It is also essential to helping kids with anxiety and make them be happy. As a Day care Wimbledon, we would like to put some tips which you can follow while helping kids with anxiety in this pandemic. 

Here are some tips to assist your family through this pandemic.

Acknowledge their fears

Children rely on their parents for safety, both physical and emotional. Reassure your children that you simply are there for them and whatever comes your way, your family will get through this together.

Answer questions on the pandemic simply & honestly

When there is any frightening news, it is better to have a talk with them. It is okay that they are aware about the actual situation where people are getting sick, but at the same time you need to tell them the precautionary measure to avoid getting sick. In this case, washing hands, staying at home to safeguard your family

Recognize your child's feelings

Calmly say, for instance, “I can see that you are simply upset because you cannot have your friends over." Guiding questions can help older children and teenagers run through issues.

Keep in touch with loved ones

Children can also worry about a few grandparents who live alone or a relative or friend with an increased risk of getting COVID-19. Regular video chats will help them get in connection with family members while staying indoors.

Model the way to manage feelings

Talk through how you're managing your own feelings. Like checking up with the elders how they are doing during this pandemic as you cannot go and visit them personally. If the stress is being locked up leads to forget things, it is better to maintain an alarm, so that you won’t regret forgetting to catch up with them.

Tell your child before you allow the house for work or essential errands

With a calm and reassuring voice, tell them where you're going, how long you'll be gone, once you will return, what are the steps you are taking to remain safe.

Look forward

Tell them that scientists are working hard to work out the way to help people that fall ill, and that things will recover and everything will be normal soon.

These are some tips that can help you in dealing with your children’s anxiety during the pandemic.


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